The Dangerous Goods Transport Information Network Association

DGTINA establishes a European standard to access electronic dangerous goods transport documents by public bodies, such as emergency responders and authorities.


Links to relevant publications

Introduction of TP1/TP2 at UNECE 2016

This document is a preliminary impact assessment related to the implementation of an ITS architecture

Report of the working group, Contacts, 2018

This working group meeting was a follow-up to the meetings held in Brussels, Munich and Rome 2017. The

Guidelines for the use of RID/ADR/ADN

Summary Executive summary: Information for the Joint Meeting concerning thework progress

Final version of the “who does what” table

At its 6th session (Hamburg, 21 to 23 April 2010), the working group on telematics

DGTINA Web Services Description

Documentation in Progress

GitHub Space with example code

The DGTINA GitHub Here you will find the data model, the exchange model and TP1 and TP2 XSD